[Moin-user] RST & Pygments & CodeMirror

Alessandro Dentella sandro at e-den.it
Thu Jul 29 09:57:00 EDT 2010

On Thu, Jul 29, 2010 at 01:29:32PM +0200, Nic Pottier wrote:
> I posted a while back about Pygments not working when you are using
> RST as a markup language.  I ended up patching MoinMoin to make it
> work, and in the process made a nicer editor using CodeMirror so you
> get syntax highlighting of the Restructured Text markup.
> There was some interest from others on this, as it ends up being a
> reasonably close proxy to a Sphinx 'play alike' Wiki.

That'd be *really* great!!!

And RST is so much better that any other markup system in my opinion...
> Anyways, you can find the patches and instructions at:
>  <http://blog.nyaruka.com/making-moinmoin-pygments-and-codemirror-all-p>

I had a look, but wasn't able to find the patch!... %-(


Sandro Dentella  *:-)
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