[Moin-user] HelpOn underlay pages

George Georgalis george at galis.org
Sun Jan 24 15:53:34 EST 2010

On Sun 24 Jan 2010 at 09:02:42 AM -0800, George Georgalis wrote:
>On Sun 24 Jan 2010 at 12:06:20 PM +0100, Thomas Waldmann wrote:
>>On Sat, 2010-01-23 at 19:54 -0800, George Georgalis wrote:
>>> Whatever happened to the help pages that use to be in the underlay?
>>They are contained in the page packages attached to page LanguageSetup.
>>Just visit that page after setting up your wiki.
>That was easy :) Thanks
>not knowing the content of the packages (or which are already installed)
>I installed all of them.
>I never saw the 'Welcome' LanguageSetup page, perhaps because I defined
>page_front_page = u"WikiIndex"
>when I installed?
>but, my central problem remains. When a user clicks the HelpConents tab,
>the page is empty?

BTW, the FindPage tab yields an empty page as well.... resolved below

the symptoms are more complicated!!

Sometime RecentPages yields "Create New Page" other times I get
"This page does not exist yet." with page templates to chose from.
and sometimes the RecentPages page works!! 

likewise with the FindPage tab. After I Delete Cache, hitting
reload yields one of 'Create New Page' 'Create new empty page' and
functional FindPage.  I say yields one of because the result is
random, Each time I hit reload I get one of those three!!??

What's going on?? Maybe, use apache, wsgi, vdomins and DRY in a
single sentence? 

All seems fixed with an ACL adjustment. I had

    #acl_rights_before = u'AdminGroup:read,write,delete,revert,admin'
    acl_rights_before = u'GeorgeGeorgalis:read,write,delete,revert,admin'
    acl_rights_default = u'DevGroup:read,write,revert'
    acl_rights_default = u'All:'

when I meant:

    acl_rights_before = u'GeorgeGeorgalis:read,write,delete,revert,admin'
    acl_rights_default = u'DevGroup:read,write,revert'
    acl_rights_after = u'All:'

But that doesn't explain (to me) the strange behavior I had. I experienced
it in a couple new 1.9.1 domains. And now it's working fine and I cannot
reproduce it. :-\ Hope I don't have some domain crosstalk!!

BTW is there a guideline for installing the new help modules from a
shell?  In my case it was rather confusing not having LanguageSetup or
the Help pages after the install. I did look in changes but I guess I
only read the first half of the sentence about the new offerings. :)


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