[Moin-user] Themes

Radomir Dopieralski moinmoin at sheep.art.pl
Sat Jan 23 09:30:35 EST 2010

On Sat, Jan 23, 2010 at 3:16 PM, Kai Jaeger <kai at aplteam.com> wrote:
> Thank you very much for your efforts, Radomir.
> I followed your suggestions which are very reasonable but without
> results. The Alias is set correctly in httpconf, as is the url.
> The css files are not accessible via the browser for those wikis in trouble.
> There is one difference between them:
> The working ones come with their own domain or sub-domain, like
> http://aplwiki.com
> The two which are not working look like this:
> http://stevenage-chess-club.co.uk/chesswiki/
> I just managed to change one of them to an unused domain name and see, it works!
> So my guess is right, but what's the real problem behind this?!

Just set up the Alias in such a way, that the .css files are accessible.
You know what url is being used, you also know where the files are on
the disk, so just do:

Alias the_url_prefix_being_used the_path_to_the_directory

in the httpd config, and it should work. It may be a little more
complicated if you use rewrite rules,
but basically you need to make those files accessible.

Radomir Dopieralski, http://sheep.art.pl

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