[Moin-user] Lots of pages - nothing but empty edit-log???

Thomas Waldmann tw-public at gmx.de
Sun Feb 7 13:05:19 EST 2010

On Sat, 2010-02-06 at 12:01 -0600, skip at pobox.com wrote:
> A user of the Python Wiki was having trouble renaming a page about Vim and
> called in the cavalry (webmaster).  I found many "pages" related to Vim with
> all sorts of misspellings and special characters.  Most of them were just
> directories with a single, zero-length edit-log file.  I deleted a bunch
> manually but a quick find showed that most of the "pages" were actually such
> directories - no content.

Have a look at "moin ... maint cleanpage" script command.

It has a rather safe classifier and outputs a shell script that moves
pagedirs from the data directory to "trash/" and "deleted/" directories.

Create those dirs, review the script and fire it up.

The trash detection makes very sure that there is really just trash.

The deleted pages maybe should be kept for a while (maybe use
delete-<date>.tar.gz), just in case someone misses something and just
wanted to revert it from deleted status.

Stop wiki engine before and restart it afterwards.

> I suspect these are the remnants of a page deletion.  Is it safe to simply
> delete them?


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