[Moin-user] Python 2.6.5 WSGI Issue

Thomas Waldmann tw-public at gmx.de
Wed Aug 18 11:20:57 EDT 2010


> I'm trying to run MoinMoin with the script below, but as soon as I
> make a request it says 'Segmentation Fault' and closes the server.

OOPS. :)

Well, what you see is likely a problem in some code written in C/C++
(like the Python interpreter, C extensions, ...), not in MoinMoin.

Python code (like MoinMoin) usually can't contain bugs that trigger
segfaults. Maybe indirectly somehow, but still, the bug is in the C code

* try if you can reproduce on another system
* check if your python packages are damaged somehow
* check Python C extensions you use
* check if Python is built correctly

>         from wsgiref import simple_server
>         httpd = simple_server.WSGIServer(('', 8000),
> simple_server.WSGIRequestHandler)

BTW, you maybe rather want to use the wsgi server from werkzeug.
wsgiref is a rather simple thing and (iirc) has some issues.



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