[Moin-user] Html5 video

Thomas Waldmann tw-public at gmx.de
Thu Aug 5 08:36:15 EDT 2010

> Is it possible to embed video in MoinMoin using Html5 video tag?

moin 1.x is emitting html4 (and there is no way to easy make it emit

moin 2 (pre-alpha and in heavy development currently) is emitting html5
and a few days ago I added a converter for video/audio -> dom -> html5
video/audio tag. It works. :)

It already uses this to show video/audio items of these types: ogg,
webm, mp4 / ogg, mp3, wav (we can easily add more if there is good
browser support for other formats).

Embedding these items into another item does not work yet, but it'll
work soon (after I have worked on the "include" converter that will do a
target dom-tree into current dom-tree inclusion for that).

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