[Moin-user] xls and csv support

Ted Stern dodecatheon at gmail.com
Wed Jul 22 16:02:19 EDT 2009


My users would really like to see csv and MS Excel spreadsheets
inlined as MoinMoin tables.

I see that there is a handler for xls2csv processing:


which is set up to support xls2csv from catdoc.

How do I extend the mimetypes in my farmconfig.py so that both
csv and xls files are processed? To do this, I have to modify

    'csv': 'text/csv'
    'xls': 'application/application_vnd_ms_excel'

Shouldn't those be included by default?

BTW, I have access to the wiki farm files but not the moin
installation, so I can't just go in and edit .../MoinMoin/wikiutils.py
by hand.

I just updated to version 1.8.4.  In earlier versions I accomplished
this task using the ShowCSV2 macro, but I'd like to avoid the
intermediate step.

 Frango ut patefaciam -- I break so that I may reveal

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