[Moin-user] disabling self-registration

Thomas Waldmann tw-public at gmx.de
Thu Feb 26 13:41:13 EST 2009

On Thu, 2009-02-26 at 11:11 -0600, Jose P. Carballo wrote:
> Hi, well I use TextCha for that. In http://moinmo.in/HelpOnTextChas
> there's the code that you have to add in the configuration file. But
> instead of making intuitive questions like in the help link, i just
> make one question, like this:
> textchas_disabled_group = u"TrustedEditorGroup" # members of this don't get textchas
>     textchas = {
>         'en': { # silly english example textchas (do not use them!)
>             u"Enter the secret password": ur"YOURSECRETPASSWORD",
>             # ...
>         },
>         'de': { # some german textchas
>             u"Gib die ersten 9 Stellen von Pi ein.": ur"3\.14159265",
>             u"Was ist das Gegenteil von 'Tag'?": ur"nacht",
>             # ...
>         },
>         # you can add more languages if you like
>     }
> This way only people (or only you) who knows the secret password can
> suscribe to your moinmoin.

Or the people who have 'de' as first language in their browser.
They won't need your secret password.

So better remove the 'de' stuff for that purpose.

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