[Moin-user] Configure so as to hide index.cgi

Mail@Heavy.ch mail at heavy.ch
Tue Feb 10 12:30:01 EST 2009

Joe Legner schrieb:
> Hello, I am new to this mailing list and hopefully am asking this
> correctly.  I am running MoinMoin 1.8.1 on Webfaction, which runs under
> Apache (.htaccess only).  My main script is named index.cgi. 


btw cgi is slow; but lucky webfaction also offer to running an own
apache with mod_wsgi behind.. it even works with the lowest memory 80mb
limit just tweak your apache/wsgi with serverlimit, to restart after a
few hundred requests and going down after some idle time. and move the
static stuff to some not counting (for mem usage) cgi/php stuff.

i'm running this with 120mb mem limit and stay mostly under 80mb for
only 80mb i would decrease the process to 2 or 1 and maby set the max
request to 500.

WSGIDaemonProcess daemonwiki user=lotek group=lotek processes=3
threads=12 maximum-requests=1000 inactivity-timeout=300

well just some touches. but for me is this the more flexible way.. and i
love the guys from webfaction to give me a full ssh access with my own
compiled and installed toolos (like xapian search)


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