[Moin-user] http-auth problems

R.Bauer rb.proj at gmail.com
Sun Sep 14 17:57:31 EDT 2008

Mohacsi Janos schrieb:
> Dear All,
>  	I have some issues deploying the http-auth under moinmoin 1.6.x 
> (It will be upgraded to 1.7 after converting to http-auth). The HTTP 
> Authentication is working in principle, but:

> 1. I set up in the config the user_autocreate, but it does not creates 
> users:
> config snippet:
> "
>      # autocreation
>      user_autocreate = True
> "
> When moinmoin should create the user? After first editing?

After a user calls http_auth entering his credentials. The http_auth
password dialogue is loaded when someone points his browser on the url
of the wiki if the dir of that url was added to a http_auth realm.

> After editing I don't see any user under the user directory:
> root at mmachine# ls -la moin_instance/data/user
> total 6
> drwxr-xr-x  2 www  www  512 Sep  8 12:40 .
> drwxr-xr-x  7 www  www  512 Sep  8 11:16 ..
> -rw-r--r--  1 www  www  239 Sep  8 11:16 README
> 2. I have some issues with the Trusted macro in ACL also.
> The ACL setup is the following:
>      acl_enabled = 1
>      acl_rights_default = 'Trusted:read,write,delete,revert All:'
>      acl_rights_before = u"mohacsi at niif.hu:read,write,delete,revert,admin"

Is this your username ohacsi at niif.hu or your email address?

acl_enabled = 1 isn't a config var in 1.7

> If I setup this way the acl I cannot access the pages.
> Does "Trusted" working according the help?
> " Trusted is a special group containing all authenticated users who used 
> HTTP-Basic-authentication. 

and others yes, but the users need to be created first.

> "
> 3. With a workaround I have some problem with the "signature" on the 
> pages. The workaround is basically use "All:" instead of "Trusted:"
> Earlier I had log:
> NIIFwiki: FrontPage (last edited 2008-05-30 11:20:12 by mohacsi)
> Now I have:
> NIIFTESZTWiki: FrontPage (last edited 2008-09-08 10:38:29 by 
> 2001:738:0:401:21b:63ff:fe9c:3327)
> So currently I see IP addresses, which is not very helpful tracking the 
> users....

Do you see your name on top of the page. If not you are likly not logged in.
It is quite difficult to help you if you only show snippet of lines from
wikiconfig.py. It can become easier if you discuss your problem on #moin
at chat.freenode.net and have prepared a pastebin with wikiconfig.py
(of course you can remove lines you won't like to show to us)
Maybe it is only an indenting problem, do you have used evil tabs?


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