[Moin-user] Small problem with mail-import

Mela Eckenfels mela at darkover.inka.de
Wed Sep 3 13:37:59 EDT 2008


today I was running into a small problem with the MoinMoin-Mailimport.

The import into the wikiinstallation itself works flawlessly, but the 
mailserver produces error messages:

-------------------------- snip -----------------------------------------
A message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of its
recipients. This is a permanent error. The following address(es)

  pipe to | /usr/local/bin/moin --quiet --config
/usr/local/share/moin/wnem/ xmlrpc
    generated by bla at fasel

The following text was generated during the delivery attempt:

------ pipe to | /usr/local/bin/moin --quiet --config
/usr/local/share/moin/wnem/ xmlrpc
       generated by bla at fasel ------

2008-09-03 16:26:26,316 WARNING MoinMoin.log:120 using logging
configuration read from
built-in fallback in MoinMoin.log module!

-------------------------- snap ----------------------------------------

Logging itself is configured also. --quiet doesnt help.

Any ideas to stop the spammy errors for any mail delivered to the
wikis address?

With kind regards,


Mela Eckenfels - Freie Autorin - Mörscher Straße 8 - 76185 Karlsruhe
eMail: mela at eckenfels.net - Web: http://mela.eckenfels.net/
Blog: http://mela.de/ -  Das LARP-Kochbuch: http://larpkochbuch.de/
Das Kochbuch für Geeks: http://www.oreilly.de/catalog/geeksckbkger/

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Unterstützer! http://larpkochbuch.de/w/SommerWettbewerb2008        ***

Spotty at IRC: Ich bin Special Agent Fleck, vom GERS. Haben sie hier eine 
hilflos aussehende Person mit langen, unfrisierten Haaren und Notebook 
gesehen?  <verdatterter McDonaldsangestellter> "Ja...dort hinten, in der 
Ecke, ich musste extra ein Verlängerungskabel legen."

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