[Moin-user] html to Moin

R.Bauer rb.proj at gmail.com
Fri Oct 31 11:29:13 EDT 2008

jdd schrieb:
> Karl Auer a écrit :
>> I took that converter and extended it to to a reasonably good job of
>> converting HTML to Confluence dialect.
> ?
>  It's pretty straightforward stuff
>> - fixing outputs like "<<BR>>" instead of "[[BR]]" would be trivial.
> I beg so
>> Unless you are a total Perl neophyte, I suggest you just adjust the
>> converter to do it right. MoinMoin is one of the more complete dialects
>> available for the converter. Or I'd be happy to send you my Confluence
>> dialect to work on. It handles links and has a few other niceties...
> I can probably edit the dialect file myself, but I have a lot of
> things to do for the LDP, and didn't want to do already done work :-)
> and for the GUI, I see word or text entry, but no html?
> jdd

use copy and paste from firefox to the gui editor
(or drag and drop)

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