[Moin-user] recent visited pages

Don Gray don at donaldegray.com
Sat Nov 22 17:55:44 EST 2008

I recently migrated from the desktop version to 1.7.2 Thing are mostly
OK. I'm dealing with syntax changes as I find them. No big deal.

However I have 3 questions. From most likely to least likely for help:

1. With the desktop version I could see the last pages I'd visited in
   the header. Very convenient way to pop back 2 - 3 pages. This is
   missing in my 1.7.2 instance. I assume there's a configuration
   option to allow this. Where may I find documentation on how to have
   the "trail of pages" (?same as breadcrumbs?) on my personal wiki?

2. How do I limit the number of historical pages? My FrontPage is
   currently at 113. I could care less about anything lower than 109.
   Again, I assume there's a config option I can edit to not save
   really old versions of stuff I don't care about.

I belive the community can help with 1 & 2. I'm stepping out with #3.

I have massive amounts of information in InfoSelect.
http://miclog.com/is/index.shtml Since I've started using MoinMoin and
starting to think about alternate computers (not Wintel) in my future,
I'm looking at options.

I've started using Google Desktop to index the information on my
computer. GD doesn't index InfoSelect. From what I can tell, at
this time GD doesn't index MoinMoin wiki pages either, even though the
wiki pages are text files.

3. Can someone point me to documentation to get GD to index my
   MoinMoin pages?

Don (336)374-7591

Happiness... is not a destination: it is a manner of traveling. Happiness is not an end in itself.
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