[Moin-user] DesktopEdition for small team

Martin Michel martinmichel at gmx.de
Fri Nov 21 04:57:53 EST 2008

Hello everybody,
I'm new to MoinMoin and tested it at my linux system at home. Well, it 
looks very nice and now I want to start a wiki for my small team at work. 
We have Windows XP running with local administator rights and acces to 
network drives. I can imagine the following and want to hear your opinion 
whether it would be a good installation:        

- Each team member will install Python2.6 and moin1.8 as explaind in 

- I move the moin1.8 folder to a network folder where only our team member 
have access to.        

- From here each team member can start the standalone server at his desktop 
with wikiserver.py and work with the wiki on the network drive
Will this work? Or do you have a better idea?
I know that the DesktopEdition is not intented for multiuser usage, but I 
do not want to involve the IT department for installing the wiki. They will 
probably not support such a straight-forward open source solution for our 
Does this way impose any security risks? Or functionality loss? Which files 
do I have to move to the network drive (I only want the necessary stuff on 
the net drive) ?
Thanks for answers,         

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