[Moin-user] MoinMoin 1.7.0rc1 released

Favre-Nicolin Vincent vincefn at users.sourceforge.net
Fri May 23 08:26:12 EDT 2008

On dimanche 18 mai 2008, Thomas Waldmann wrote:
> See http://moinmo.in/MoinMoinDownload and please help testing.

  I just installed it on a new server - I found out that the preview does not 
work when editing a *new* page ?

  Or is due to a mistake in my installation (an apache2/linux/Debian).

  Once the page has been saved once, preview works for subsequent editions.

  On an unrelated note, it would really be great if announcement of new 
beta/releases of Moinmoin included a direct link to a changelog - it's not 
too difficult to find it but it would be nice to have at 1-click distance 
(maybe I'm too lazy).

  Anyway thanks for the new release - so far it seems great, and the ability 
to insert html code - e.g. to include floating images (left/right)- will be 
very useful (though that was added in 1.6 apparently- missed it then).

Vincent Favre-Nicolin                   http://vincefn.net
Université Joseph Fourier       http://www.ujf-grenoble.fr
CEA/ Institut Nanosciences & Cryogénie  http://inac.cea.fr
ObjCryst & Fox             http://objcryst.sourceforge.net

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