[Moin-user] Problems using macro MiniPage

Burkhard.Schultheis at uniserv.com Burkhard.Schultheis at uniserv.com
Tue Jun 17 07:35:19 EDT 2008


I'm creating and changing Wiki pages in our company since last week. ;-) We use Moinmoin V1.53 (it's not easy for me to get an upgrade on our server).
Now I wanted to use the macro MiniPage within a table to get more formatting possibilities. So I downloaded MiniPage-1.3.3-1.py (the version that should work with our older moinmoin), put the file as MiniPage to the plugin/macro directory of our Wiki, changed the page with a call to MiniPage, but I see only the macro calling sequence and nothing else.
Maybe I mut restart the Wiki? But how to do it? On the Windows machine running the Wiki I see no suspicious service or process running. The colleague which installed the Wiki isn't with us. The Wiki runs, but I don't know, how to restart it.

Thank you in advance!

Best regards,

Burkhard Schultheis
SDC - Software Development & Consulting
PJT - Project Management Team

Uniserv GmbH 
Rastatter Straße 13 
75179 Pforzheim 
Phone   +49 7231 936-2125 
Fax     +49 7231 936-2500 
Email  burkhard.schultheis at uniserv.com 


Uniserv GmbH    
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Pforzheim, Germany
Geschäftsführer: Roland Pfeiffer 
Registergericht: Mannheim HRB 501535 

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