[Moin-user] BadContent = chaos?

Thomas Waldmann tw-public at gmx.de
Wed Jul 2 11:06:17 EDT 2008

> I'm trying to understand the BadContent page format, but it doesn't
> appear to have a consistent one.


> What type of regex is it supposed to use?

Just standard python/perl regex. The regex is matched against all page 
content that someone tries to save (not only against URLs).

> Who manages it?

It is managed in a wiki way on MoinMaster:BadContent.

> Why isn't it sorted in a consistent order?

Because nobody did sort it recently, but everybody just appended at the end.

> Who decides on which URLs get added?

Everyone who cares.

Just be careful, everything matching a regex you added there is 
considered evil - globally.

For example: while mostly it will be spam when you see it, just the word 
Rolex or Casino would make no good regex, because there might be moin 
wikis out there where talk about Rolex or Casino is not spam, but within 
allowed wiki content.

So although the regexes are not limited to URLs, what one usually adds 
there are regexes that match URLs used by spammers.

> Who decides on which URLs get removed?

Same. Usually URLs only get removed if they were wrong and/or gave false 

> If I understand things correctly, anyone can edit these pages as long
> as it's on the moinmaster wiki.

Yes. You maybe have to read MoinMoin:EditingOnMoinMaster, though.

> There's errors on a few help pages I'm itching to correct too.

Easiest and quickest way is to as on our IRC channel #moin, see 

BTW, you maybe want to use a recent moin version and activate the 
textchas. This has proven a better counter measure against spam than 
BadContent is, see HelpOnTextChas for details.

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