[Moin-user] Need Calendar

Paul Moore p.f.moore at gmail.com
Fri Dec 12 11:32:05 EST 2008

2008/12/12 Mr. Potato Head <angry_garden_salad at yahoo.com>:
> I think i just don't know how to make it work.  I tried to follow the instructions, but it just stumps me.  I tried to create a test macro and i dropped it in the data/plugin/macro directory.  I noticed 2 things:
> 1. when i edited a page in gui mode, my macro was not in the "available" macro properties box
> 2. my macro never compiled even after i referenced it manually <<MyMacro>> in my page
> What do i need to run for the wiki to recognize my macro?

If you're running MoinMoin as a standalone process (ie, not via CGI)
you'll need to restart the MoinMoin process to see the new macro. So,
if you're running the simple server, kill it and restart it. If you're
using Apache and mod_python, restart Apache, etc.

Hope this helps,

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