[Moin-user] MoinMoin API: Writing files and HTTP redirect

Hape News hp.news at gmx.de
Thu Aug 28 10:33:34 EDT 2008

Hi Thomas,

thanks a lot for your hints!

> [...]
> See AttachFile.py about how to tell the browser the filename (it's not 
> perfect, but for some browsers and ascii-filenames it works).

ok, I see it in AttachFile.get_file (MoinMoin 1.5 here)

Do you remember which browsers worked and which not? If not I'll try it myself of course...

> [...]
> > (2) Do a HTTP redirect to this file (so all browsers get the correct 
> >      filename)
> I am not sure about how a http redirect should help.

I've never done this, but my idea was:
- Create a file <some path exported by web server>/<PageTitle>-<revNumber>.odt
  if it doesn't already exist for the current page revision
- Do a http-Redirect to "<URL of the above Path>/<PageTitle>-<revNumber>.odt"

I'd thought this would help as the browser is redirected directly to a file.

> [...]
> > How do I read page revisions?
> You can give the rev=X to the Page constructor.

not what I had in mind (I don't want to explicitly set rev numbers, I want to read the rev number of the current page). But thanks to your hint, I discovered Page.get_rev_dir which returns the rev number even if Page is called without explicit rev number.

> > How do I do a HTTP redirect in MoinMoin?
> Just grep for "redirect" :)
> [...]

well - ok, you're right :)

As for the cache action, I'll try it when developing for MoinMoin 1.7.

Did I understand you correctly here: With this cache action, all is handled automatically, so I don't have to read page revision numbers. But for MoinMoin 1.5/1.6 there is no possibility to permanently write a file, so I can't use my idea with revision comparison of OpenDocument file and wiki page?

Thanks again,


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