[Moin-user] Cleanup on upgrade

Greg Ward gerg.ward+moin at gmail.com
Wed Aug 20 15:09:50 EDT 2008

I'm in the process of upgrading our wiki from MoinMoin 1.5.8 to 1.7.1.
The wiki actually goes back to MoinMoin 1.3 days, so has been upgraded
once before.  I have noticed a fair amount of cruft in data/pages, for

  * "system" pages that are now in underlay:


  * empty page directories -- I'm guessing some old version of MoinMoin
    had a bug that created a page as soon as someone asked for it,
    resulting in page dirs like this:

      $ ls -1d d*

  * many apparent page dirs have no "current" file or "revisions"

      $ find . -maxdepth 1 -type d | wc -l
      $ find . -maxdepth 2 -name revisions | wc -l

  * several pages have a "current" file that refers to a non-existent
    revision (one later than the latest revisions in revisions/).  These
    pages render as non-existent both under 1.5.8 pre-upgrade and 1.7.1
    with my test upgrade.

    I am assuming that such pages once had useful content and should be
    resurrected.  Editing "current" to point to the latest actual
    revision did not work.  Any clue what might?

Two questions:

  1) is it safe to just "rm -rf" those unwanted/empty page directories?

  2) is there a tool to find them for me?  (I can cobble something
     together myself easily enough, but if it already exists, I'll
     happily use it)

Thanks --


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