[Moin-user] Doxygen Macro?

klaas.holwerda ngi at klaasholwerda.nl
Tue Aug 5 18:48:21 EDT 2008

R.Bauer wrote:
> klaas.holwerda schrieb:
>> Hi,
>> I trying to convert to MoinMoin from TWiki, thinking its better and faster.
>> http://wxart2d.org/moin
>> And now i am searching for a solution that link  classnames  to my 
>> doxygen HTML output.
>> http://www.wxart2d.org/twiki/bin/view/TWiki/DoxygenPlugin
>> Like in here, the class names are written like %DOX{classname}%
>> http://www.wxart2d.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/WxArt2DOverView
>> What/where should i start for a solution to that. Something with macros 
>> i think.
>> But i hope there is something out there that i can use more or less, 
>> being a newbie it is overwhelming me.
>> Thanks for some advice,
>> Klaas
> Hi
> This sounds like you are looking for InterWiki
> "InterWiki links are a quick way to refer to information in other wikis,
> without having to remember long or cryptic URLs. To create an InterWiki
> link, just use the InterWiki name of the foreign wiki, then a colon (:),
> followed by the name of the page on that wiki."
> It is not restricted to wikis only!
Right that works.

And this too:

Dependencies = []
generates_headings = False

def macro_Dox(macro, arg1):
   from MoinMoin import wikiutil
   # arguments passed in can be None or a unicode object
   html = '''<a 
% locals()
   return macro.request.formatter.rawHTML( html )

But what i am really after is that class names simply become links, 
without adding something extra. Something like WikiWords become links 
automatically. I have a list of all class names from Doxygen, and just 
when i use them in the wiki pages, they should become links.
But maybe later :-)



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