[Moin-user] Moin on OSX fails w/ mod_python, works with CGI?

Gerald Gutierrez gerald.gutierrez at gmail.com
Tue Sep 25 20:33:22 EDT 2007

Hi folks,

I'm trying to get Moin working with mod_python on my OSX laptop.  
Already works with CGI. Configuration as follows:

- OSX 1.4.10
- apache2, mod_python25 (v3.3.1), python25 (v2.5.1) (all installed  
via macports)
- moin 1.5.8

Followed instructions on moin website and have the CGI version  
working. Can edit, view, etc. However, as soon as I switch over to  
mod_python, it fails with the following error:

local variable 'File' referenced before assignment

/opt/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/MoinMoin/util/filesys.py in  
realPathCase (path='/var/lib/moin/redstar/underlay/pages/FrontPage')

    1. 169 from Carbon import File
    2. 170 return File.FSRef(path).as_pathname()
    3. 171 except (ImportError, File.Error):
    4. 172 return None
    5. 173

     * builtin ImportError = <type 'exceptions.ImportError'>
     * File undefined

So, it seems File wasn't imported properly. BUT, if I try to do "from  
Carbon import File" from Python on the command line, it works fine.  
Carbon is a part of the python25 install, so I don't think there are  
any configuration changes needed. Also don't think that it could be a  
problem with it going to the default OSX's Python 2.3.5 install  
either since mod_python25 should reference the correct python  
version. But just in case, I also verified that the default python  
install also has Carbon and is working fine.

Any ideas?


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