[Moin-user] LDAP authentication

Mark.Ziegler at weinig.de Mark.Ziegler at weinig.de
Mon Sep 24 05:07:09 EDT 2007


we are using MoinMoin now for many years and have a stable, well 
maintained 1.5.8 installation.

Since some month we also have an openldap server running. 
Some sevices like apache, linux boxes and others are using ldap now.
Next step is MoinMoin and ldap.

I searched http://moinmoin.wikiwikiweb.de/ for ldap and found a lot of 
information, but no step-by-step guide.

My questions would be:
 * does MoinMoin has LDAP support included? Which resources do I need?
 * which settings has to be done? Which files has to be edited?
 * Can someone provide detailed information?

If we succeed I would spend some time on collecting information and 
writing some nice doc for the community.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen | Best regards,

Mark Ziegler

Softwareentwicklung | Software development

Weinigstrasse 2/4. 97941 Tauberbischofsheim. Deutschland | Germany
Phone +49 (0) 9341 86-1726  .  Fax +49 (0) 9341 86-1702
mark.ziegler at weinig.de . http://www.weinig.com

Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats:  Dr. Thomas Bach 
Vorstand: Rainer Hundsdörfer (Vorsitzender), Dr. Dieter Japs, Karl Wachter 
Sitz Tauberbischofsheim , Registergericht Mannheim HRB 560227 
UST / ID-Nr. DE 146587898 
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