[Moin-user] How to disable camel case user names with user_autocreate = True?

Bernd Bartmann bernd.bartmann at gmail.com
Sun Oct 21 10:01:43 EDT 2007


I'm using MoinMoin with mod_python and mod_auth_sspi to enable login
against an AD domain. user_autocreate is set to True.

In the AD domain we use login names in the form:
1. first letter of first name
2. first two letters of lastname
3. three digit phone extension
4. two letter site code

User: John Doe with phone extension 123 working on site New York

This translates into AD login name jdo123ny, but the user auto create
feature creates username Jdo123Ny which is not what I want. I' d
rather have the complete username lower case. How can I disable the
camel case creation of new user names?

Thanks in advance,

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