[Moin-user] not a farm or....

George Georgalis george at galis.org
Sun May 27 02:54:01 EDT 2007

Humm, I didn't set out to make a moin farm...
but in my apache VirtualHost config, I have

<Location /main>
 SetHandler python-program
 PythonPath "['/usr/local/www/vhost/dom.org/moin/main'] + sys.path"
 PythonHandler MoinMoin.request::RequestModPy.run

<Location /member>
 SetHandler python-program
 PythonPath "['/usr/local/www/vhost/dom.org/moin/board'] + sys.path"
 PythonHandler MoinMoin.request::RequestModPy.run

and in each the respective moin install directories
I have out of the box wikiconfig.py files. :-( so,
I know the problem of using mod_python in this
context... but I was wondering if/how I could put
the the wikis list of pairs in the respective

// George

George Georgalis, information systems scientist <IXOYE><

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