[Moin-user] hiding footer editbar in modern theme

Rick VanDerveer rickvanderveer at yahoo.com
Thu Mar 1 17:42:13 EST 2007

For a cleaner page 
look and feel, I want to hide the bottom editbar.  It's redundant to have it at 
both the top and bottom, and without the bottom one, it really gives pages an overall 
cleaner look and feel.


Initially, I 
commented it out line-95 in the 
/python25/site-packages/MoinMoin/theme/modern.py file.


This was all well 
and good. But then I realized that Internet Explorer 7 users (not IE 6 or 
Firefox, these browsers are fine) were experiencing a strange anomaly where page 
content was not being displayed.  And it would appear to be random (it might be 
only the second or so page into the wiki). If these users selected the text on 
the page, it would appear. It looks like a page-refresh issue where the final 
page paint wasn't happening.


So, the question 
is-- can I disable the lower editbar within CSS somewhere?

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