[Moin-user] A way to get rich layout of wiki pages

Marcel Haefner mail at heavy.ch
Thu Jun 14 06:08:28 EDT 2007

Hi There

As my subject told, I’m looking for a possibility to create rich layout
wiki-pages. I need function for separating content in different column or
align images, text-boxes left, right, float, and etcetera. The normal user
should use this without to much technical-typo (even with a GUI Editor, it
should work).

I found or use those Parser's:
 * SectionParser (http://moinmoin.wikiwikiweb.de/SectionParser) and
 * the FrameParser (http://moinmoin.wikiwikiweb.de/ParserMarket/Frame).

The main benefit I just can define some css and add them to my “layout”.
So anything goes!  Do the fact that the FrameParser is also available for
Moin1.6 I will focus on this Parser.

--> Bad side: None of those Parsers can work with the GUI (like an wysiwg
editor). But I don’t see any possibility to make it works easily. Seems to
me a lot of work.. for somebody, some day :-]

That’s my plan!

 * Now what are you experience for creating rich layout text pages? But
not to loose the wiki-focus for easy adding pages and write content
without much thinking about formatting/layout? In my eyes a Wiki-Site
should be only contain Text, Metadata and some property. I think is
import to make a separation between content and layout!

 * Are there any other “readToRun” Plugins/Makros what I missed?

 * How long it takes till the 1.6 MoinMoin release will be in a
beta-Version. The new Feature to use the Parser together with a css-class
seems to me very interesting? Or would you say that the current Alpha
Release could run without complete data loose?

Thanks by the way for your all guys! It’s fantastic what kind of wiki your
created with the lovely pythons. Also thanks for Thomas with his endurance
do answer all those support-asking-emails from users like me.

Best Regards

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