[Moin-user] Simple (less wiki like) themes

Fred Drake fdrake at gmail.com
Sun Jun 10 09:22:11 EDT 2007

solo turn wrote:
> what do you think in making this the default moin theme? if the
> heading in http://wiki.restonrpg.net/trinn/FrontPage would be
> clickable it would be perfect ...

When I created this theme, I had in mind that it would be used for
only the one wiki; it never occurred to me that others would be
interested in it.  I suspect there are many custom, site-specific
themes like this; I don't know how likely these are to be re-usable.

>From a different email:
> here we have the following things which seem not to work:
>  * there is a horizontal scrollbar below (it is not wide enough?)

I don't see this, unless the page content includes inherently wide
content (table, images).

>  * it does not work in ie6

I didn't know this; will take a look at fixing this when I get a
chance (who knows when that will be, though).

>  * do a title search, and the title of the search is displayed below the logo

Clearly, I didn't find this desirable.  This is really something that
should be settable as policy for individual wikis.

> in general i like moin a lot, also the themes. the only thing which i
> find a (big) mess is the handling of titles.
> either you have "double headers" like in
> http://moinmoin.wikiwikiweb.de/ThemeMarket/SimpleMente or the header
> at the left for some things like searches (much too long for all the
> "side" themes, and not clickable as normal).

Yes, I consider this a real pain.  I suspect this will always be a
problem as long as there's only one box for the page content; using
heuristics to determine the title based on the page only goes so far,
and doesn't help when there isn't one.


Fred L. Drake, Jr.    <fdrake at gmail.com>
"Chaos is the score upon which reality is written." --Henry Miller

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