[Moin-user] page header and first line

Thomas Waldmann tw-public at gmx.de
Sun Jun 3 22:15:25 EDT 2007

> two headings are presented. is there a possibility to:

The moin core code was cleaned up quite some time ago to NOT use h1 
headings in the navigation area, but only for first level headings in 
content area.

The styling in the navigation area is now just done by css.

This was done to:
  + cleanly separate content from navigation
  + improve consistency (= h1 =, == h2 ==, ...)
  + solve some feature request for "possibility to set the h1 from the 
content", this is now trivial by just beginning the content with = 
whatever you want =.
  + improve print display (you just get your content and only some small 
display of the technical page name somewhere, for reference only, not 
for having some nice page title [like some people have some small 
printed pathname on their wordprocessor document printouts, in the footer])

So the problem with some themes might just be that they did not yet 
implement this change.

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