[Moin-user] Elegant way to move user pages to subdirectory?

Thomas Waldmann tw-public at gmx.de
Fri Jan 26 05:57:41 EST 2007

> Thank you very, very much.
Great you enjoy it. :)
> Now, to the subject. What is the 'elegant' way to move personal 
> pages to the subdirectory (say 'Personal' or 'Users') - so 
> instead of having http://my.host/mywiki/Johnny I would have
> http://my.host/mywiki/Users/Johnny.
There is no easy way to do that. Moin really expects username == 
pagename for the user homepage.

Of course one can hack to code to use Users/UserName, but that has quite 
some consequences, because this is used at quite some places:
 * @SIG@
 * RecentChanges
 * last edit info at bottom of page
 * action=info
 * (maybe more)

So if you are not careful, you might break quite some things.
> user_homewiki config param I started thinking that maybe there 
> is some other way. So: is it possible to write user_homewiki 
> param so user pages land under Users folder?
What it does is looking up the wikiname you configure there in the 
interwiki map and then construct a interwiki link, so that could maybe 
work, just try making a new interwiki map entry like:

UserHome http://yourserver/mywiki/Users/

> (note: I would like to keep backups kept nevertheless, so faking 
> url using interwiki is not an option!).
1.6 will have a better way than those /MoinEditorBackup, but for 1.5 you 
are right (it won't do backups).

> If not, what could be the most elegant way?
Maybe just doing it the "normal" way? :)

> Also (predicting necessary rename once I achieve this), does 
> there exist easy way to find all the user pages?
CategoryHomePage maybe?

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