[Moin-user] Cannot stay logged in

Edmund Lian elian at inbrief.net
Thu Jan 18 02:31:07 EST 2007

On Jan 16, 2007, at 17:51, Eamon Nerbonne wrote:

> Sorry, can't seem to find the time to look into this more closely.   
> My remark about it potentially being client-side caching related  
> stemmed from the interaction in an old (1.5.3?) version of  
> moinmoin, which I believe to be fixed now.  Beyond that, I don't  
> have an idea.  You might try completely disabling caching in your  
> browser just to make sure.  If you have firefox, then you can use  
> the web-developer toolbar to achieve that: it's an entry in that  
> toolbar's disable menu.

Thank you so much for taking time to look at the issue. I tried  
disabling the cache, but this did not help. So, I cleared all the  
cookies (which I had not wanted to do), and for some reason this  
solved the problem. I had been clearing the Moinmoin cookie by hand,  
but there must have been some other cookie related confusion.


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