[Moin-user] What kind of configuration I should use (from Fas tCGI over ISAPI to Twisted)?

Rick Vanderveer rvanderveer at cognitivearts.com
Wed Jan 10 18:19:07 EST 2007

I agree, there seems to be a lot of emphasis on using the preferred FastCGI
or mod_python for moin.  However, I think this is largely for public-facing
wiki's.  If you are using it for mainly internal purposes, you simply don't
need that level of firepower.

Take my example:
We're an internet shop, and we have our share of dual-Xeon CPU's, raid5,
etc. But, I wanted to set up a documentation wiki for internal use. I took
an ancient old desktop (667mhz Pentium III, with 512Mb Ram, and a single
hard drive), and set up moin using Windows 2000 Workstation, Apache 2,
Python 2.5, Windows authentication using SSPI, all just to get my feet wet. 

I decided to go live with this box, and with about the same number of people
hitting it as you have (30 to 50 people reading/editing, even dl'ing
documents), the box has held up...perfectly fine.  We all have the latest
desktops and servers for our client-facing servers (the usual web/database
combinations), but I'm yet to hear a complaint about speed on our little
interal wiki. In my opinion, the the number of people that will be using
your wiki, your hardware is overkill.

It's long been an IT Admin's little secret to take hardware that's "too
slow" for desktop use and move it to the server room as dedicated little
servers. I have several running everything from Subversion, dedicated SMTP
server, a Jabber IM server, etc.

I suggest doing a basic set-up, and see how it works for you. You can always
move to FastCGI or mod_python later...



-----Original Message-----
From: moin-user-bounces at lists.sourceforge.net
[mailto:moin-user-bounces at lists.sourceforge.net] On Behalf Of mail at heavy.ch
Sent: Wednesday, January 10, 2007 4:57 PM
To: Moin-user
Subject: [Moin-user] What kind of configuration I should use (from FastCGI
over ISAPI to Twisted)?

Hi There

I'm a bit unsure what kind of Wiki-configuration I should use now... the
goal is to get a intranet (farmconfig) running for around 20-50peoples (not
current- and not heavy-users, since yet). The System will be an Windows 2003
Server with 2 Xeon CPUs and 1GB RAM, scsi raid5 (nothing more...). 

At the moment I planing the MoinMoin 1.5.6 with python 2.5 and the latest
Twisted release. But I'm not sure..

1. CGI with Apache is to slow, but well it works :)

2. mod_python with Apache is hungry for ram (so say others), but on my
private Apache under Fedora linux, it works great.

3. FastCGI not yet tried out, but should be faster then mod_py and maybe
also harder to install?

4. StandAlone, well not that what I want

5. Twisted, works great on a WindowsXP Client and like I said, I will
install this on my windows 2003 server. Well maybe it's just a bit more
"simpatico", coz' its written in python...

6. IIS6 and ISAPI; well not tried out yet! I'm not realy a friend of IIS.
But It should be fast like Apache and FastCGI.

I found some performance infos (see links below), but they are all seems old
and only for moin 1.3. So what your experiences or recommences? Has anybody
long term experience with Twisted under Windows?



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