[Moin-user] FullSearch

Chris Lawley chris at art-en-soul.cix.co.uk
Wed Feb 28 07:32:19 EST 2007

On 23 Feb 2007, kai at aplteam.com wrote:

> I know that this answer was discussed some weeks ago, but I cannot
> find it anymore.
> I want list a particular category on a pge "foo" but exclude the page
> "foo" from that list. Surely that is easy to do, but not for me ;)

Not sure this is 'best' but it's working for me:
I have recipes *and* a Contents page all in "CategoryRecipe" 

The Content's page lists everything except itself using this:
[[FullSearch(r:CategoryRecipe -r:FullSearch)]]

I thing there's other ways to do the job but this works for me.

chris :-)

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