[Moin-user] Cannot change passwords on MoinMoin?

Markku Tavasti tavasti at tavastisolutions.com
Wed Aug 15 11:14:03 EDT 2007

For some reason, on one host I have Moinmoin runnign users cannot
change theis password. UserPreferences just don't have those
'password' fields at all. There are several wikis on same host, and
directories holding user account data is symlinked to be same in all
of them. 

System is debian etch, with debian provided moinmoin. 

Here is what system info says:

Python Version
    2.4.4 (#2, Apr 5 2007, 20:11:18) [GCC 4.1.2 20061115 (prerelease) (Debian 4.1.1-21)]
MoinMoin Version
    Release 1.5.3 [Revision release]
4Suite Version
Number of pages
Number of system pages
Accumulated page sizes
    620.2 KiB
Disk usage of /data/wiki/Intra/data/pages/
    31.9 MiB
Disk usage of /data/wiki/Intra/data/
    -1.0 Byte
Entries in edit log
    1580 (163.0 KiB)
Event log
    2968.4 KiB
Global extension macros
    AbandonedPages, Action, AttachInfo, AttachList, BR, EditTemplates, EditedSystemPages, FootNote, FullSearch, FullSearchCached, GetText, ImageLink, Include, LikePages, Login, MissingPageHint, MonthCalendar, Navigation, NewPage, OrphanedPages, PageHits, PageSize, RandomPage, RandomQuote, RecentChanges, ShowSmileys, StatsChart, SystemAdmin, TableOfContents, TeudView, Verbatim, WantedPages
Local extension macros
Global extension actions
    AttachFile, DeletePage, Despam, LikePages, LocalSiteMap, MyPages, PackagePages, RenamePage, RenderAsDocbook, SpellCheck, SubscribeUser, backup, fckdialog, fullsearch, links, login, logout, newpage, rss_rc, titleindex, userprefs
Local extension actions
Global parsers
    CSV, cplusplus, docbook, irc, java, pascal, plain, python, rst, wiki, xslt
Local extension parsers
Installed processors (DEPRECATED -- use Parsers instead)
Lupy search
Active threads

M. Tavasti /  tavasti at tavastisolutions.com  /   +358-40-5078254

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