[Moin-user] Formatting questions

Thomas Waldmann tw-public at gmx.de
Tue Apr 10 08:50:33 EDT 2007

> I just updated moinmoin wiki to 1.5.3

Sounds like an outdated debian or ubuntu package. X)

Maybe you just want to use the 1.5.7 package from the moin site. :)

> and discovered that the modern  
> theme now displays the "Login" (on top of the page) aligned left,  
> close to the sitename. If previous versions, it used to be displayed  
> right next to the search field. Any suggestions of what to change so  
> that "Login", "Preferences", and "Logout" get displayed right next to  
> "Search" text box?

I guess you would have to change how the modern theme works (or choose 
any other theme or make your own).

> Secondly, each page now displays the page title.

That's part of the navigation, you can click on it.

On subpages, you can even click on the parent pages.

> Can I set the pages NOT to display the page title? If this cannot be done, can someone  
> point me to the location in the CSS  file which will allow me to  
> change fontsize and top and bottom spacing for the title.

Look into modern.py and modern/css/{common,screen}.css

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