[Moin-User] side bars and photo album

greg whittier greg at thewhittiers.com
Tue May 30 12:01:04 EDT 2006

The layout can be changed by changing the theme from the default.  The
distribution includes a theme with a sidebar (rightsidebar), but there
are a number of other third-party contributions at
http://moinmoin.wikiwikiweb.de/ThemeMarket including the monobook
theme that resembles the link in your email.

You can add inline images to pages by using attachments (e.g.
attachment:mypic.jpg).  If you'd like to have a thumbnail that links
to a larger picture, you can use the ImageLink macro (see
http://moinmoin.wikiwikiweb.de/MacroMarket).  I didn't look at the
page source for the link in your email, but looking at it I believe
the layout is done "manually" and not through a photo album
application.  There is, however, a photo gallery macro for MoinMoin on
the macro market page.  I haven't tried it and it's listed as a 1.3
macro, so I'm not sure it works with 1.5.


On 5/30/06, Mehdi Hassanpour <mehdi.public at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi ,
> Is it possible having right or left or middle side bars in MoinMoin ? like
> this : http://www.farsiweb.ir/wiki/Main_Page
> What about having photo albums ? like this :
> http://www.farsiweb.ir/wiki/Screenshots
> Thanks in advance
> --
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> Yours Sincerely, Mehdi Hassanpour
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> For all Others to feel the Mace.
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