[Moin-user] Migration to 153

Thomas Waldmann tw-public at gmx.de
Thu Mar 30 02:03:00 EST 2006

> Shouldn't we tell people not to use FTP installation because it is not
> supported.

You can do ftp installation. It just makes things more complicated.

> "After you have switched to new style migration, the procedure will be the same
> with every moin upgrade, simply run a command similar to this:
> sudo -u www-data moin --config-dir=/path/to/config_dir
> --wiki-url=wiki.example.org/ migration data
> "

Yeah, until now it was to call several scripts in 
MoinMoin/scripts/migration manually. So it is easier now.

> Isn't it possible to have those scripts run via Web?

Maybe, if you provide some code for it? :)

> The only
> possibilty if you have a ftp install is to copy everything to a system
> where you can do such thing (btw, never seen a Windows with a  sudo
> command)

If you have enough access rights, you don't need sudo.

> I also think that the file README-migration is misleading. If people
> don't think really for themselves and read "First make sure you have
> run all the old mig scripts ONCE (and only once) on your data dirs."
> they might think that they need to run ALL the ild mig scripts once.
> But although this is stated here they should not unless they have an
> old installation.

Once EVER.

> So to sum up:
> 1) We should not tell the admins that they can actually use FTP or
> Windows if we then tell them to use sudo and unix commands to migrate
> on a server.


> 2) I would see it as a great achievement if it would be possible for
> the superuser to make a migration.

Provide code.

> I would say that on a huge FTP installation it will be nearly
> impossiuble to upgrade that way or at least it would take ages.

Well, if you run a free or low cost stuff, you sometimes have not that 
comfort as when running with a shell account. That is not primarily a 
problem of moin...

> At least instructions could be more clearer and we could put a warning
> on documentation that on ftp install you will not be able to migrate
> unless you have a computer where you copy all this stuff. And imagine
> somebody with a 56k modem link that has to download some hundreds of
> MB just to issue one command for migration!

Feel free to improve docs for windows (I don't use windows) or write 
code (and test it) for an ftp-only installation/migration (I use neither).

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