[Moin-user] Need help with py2exe-wiki

Thomas Waldmann tw-public at gmx.de
Thu Jun 22 08:43:50 EDT 2006

> Then, I inserted the ip-address of the spammers into the hosts_deny list in the 
> moin_config.py file.
This is the wrong approach. And ineffective as you've seen. But as of 
moin 1.1 there wasn't much else.

Running a non-stoneage moin version would really help you because of the 
antispam feature in it.

I suggest you first look for a newer python on that machine.
A machine called starship.python.net should have something newer than 
2.2.3 for sure. :)

After you have located Python >=2.3 (if you install it, just use latest 
release), you can upgrade your moin to 1.5.3 (soon 1.5.4) and have much 
less trouble.

Take time for reading docs/*, esp. the migration readme.

Join #moin when you do the migration. Have backups.
> Probably the best solution would be to upgrade to a newer version,
> but I hope the new py2exe-maintainer can supply his own wiki now.
> Is there a chance to make the whole wiki write protected, so that nobody
> can change it any more?
That would be a bad solution. It just needs some care, not closing it.

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