[Moin-user] Discussions related to MoinMaster pages?

Arp moin.askthem at gmail.com
Tue Feb 21 19:00:01 EST 2006

While looking at
http://moinmaster.wikiwikiweb.de/HelpOnInstalling/MinimalWiki (as my
attention was drawn to it by this mailing list) it occurred to me that
there is no standard mechanism (that I could find anyway) to discuss
the contents of such MoinMaster help pages. This page's discussion for
example is located at:

I had stumbled on the lack of a standard 'discussion' or 'comments'
page mechanism before and implement such in my wikis with
/PageComments subpages but I've now taken the liberty to launch a
feature request for it at:

The reason I'm posting this here is not _just_ to spam the mailing
list with my feature request ;o) but also because I think it conatins
some ideas that (for the time being) might be implemented with
_no_coding_at_all_ but rather by just agreeing on some sort of
standard guideline for creation/location of such comments/discussion
pages so these can be more easily found and used to help improving
everything without directly editing the MoinMaster pages.

As things might be improved even without coding, I'm not even sure if
this then should be discussed on the mailing list or on the feature
request page.

It is possible of course that I'm missing something _very_ obvious and
mechanisms or guidelines for this are already in use and I (and
others) were just too stupid to find them ... ??

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