[Moin-user] Illegal HTML attribute "bgcolor"

Hiers, Richard Richard.Hiers at covenantseminary.edu
Tue Feb 14 07:33:04 EST 2006

If I try to edit with the GUI editor a page that contains something like
the following:

||<tablestyle="float: right" bgcolor="#cccc99" :> '''Table Of
Contents''' ||
|| [[TableOfContents]] ||

I get the following error:

Illegal HTML attribute "bgcolor" passed to formatter

I'm running 1.5.2 on IIS.  I get the error using Firefox and IE 6.  I
also get the error on http://moinmoin.wikiwikiweb.de/WikiSandBox

I assume this is a bug?

Richard Hiers
Director of IT Services
Covenant Theological Seminary

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