[Moin-user] Bug in GUI Edit Preview

Eric Schanberger eschanberger at boathouseinc.com
Fri Aug 18 14:41:56 EDT 2006

I posted this to the bugs page two weeks ago but wanted to make sure all 
the right people knew about it.  The GUI editor is one of the main 
reasons I am trying out MoinMoin, and right now, there is a fairly major 
bug when you are selecting formatting.  See my description below:

Thanks for any help you guys can provide,

Eric Schanberger

h1 h2 h3...etc header definition elements are not matched up properly in 
GUI Editor.

When you select Heading 1 in the GUI Editor, it correctly applies the h1 
definition to the selected text, but within the editor window, it 
displays using the h2 definition. The preview correctly shows the h1 

This problem also shifts h2 to h3, etc. All the hx definitions show up 
as h(x+1)

This is not obvious in the default theme, but using the 
rightsidebarsmaller theme, it is obvious because h1 doesn't have a blue 
rule and h2 does. The preview doesn't match the edit window.

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