[Moin-user] MoinMoin on PocketPC

Alexander Schremmer 2006a at usenet.alexanderweb.de
Thu Aug 17 15:38:27 EDT 2006

On Thu, 17 Aug 2006 02:50:19 +0200, Michael Krause wrote:

> I really like the MoinMoin wiki engine. I would like to use it on my PC and my PocketPC. Anyone tried to install it on PPC? There is a version of Python for the PocketPC, so I thought it might be possible to create a special version.

Hey, very good idea that I had as well. MMDE worked for me (after
installing the Python for Pocket PC of course) with the following lines in

# monkey-patching for Python CE
os.X_OK = os.R_OK
os.name = "nt" # should be fixed in other parts of the code
import errno
errno.EEXIST = 183

I plan to integrate those changes into MMDE some time so that you don't
need to patch it anymore. Feel free to file a bug if you see other
breakages on this platform.

Kind regards,

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