[Moin-user] owner permission

Nir Soffer nirs at freeshell.org
Tue Apr 18 12:50:02 EDT 2006

Try to find a host that run cgi as yourself. See 

On 18/04/2006, at 22:33, Mehdi Hassanpour wrote:

> Hi,
> My host provider's hosting software changes my data & underlay folders 
> permission to my host user ( not apache user )...
> Is it just enough to tell the provider to change just owner of "data" 
> & "underlay" folders to apache user ? or there are other folders that 
> their permissions should be changed ?
> Is there any other solution ? I don't wanna tell him to chown my 
> "data" & "underlay" folders after every update...

Best Regards,

Nir Soffer

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