[Moin-user] Editing the Edit Page

Hiers, Richard Richard.Hiers at covenantseminary.edu
Wed Oct 12 15:25:43 EDT 2005

Well I don't know Python.  The little I've messed with it so far seem
pretty intuitive and forgiving.  I think I'm beyond my ability on this

Thanks for the suggestions though.

-----Original Message-----
From: Fred Drake [mailto:fdrake at gmail.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 11, 2005 10:08 AM
To: Hiers, Richard
Cc: moin-user at lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: [Moin-user] Editing the Edit Page

On 10/11/05, Hiers, Richard <Richard.Hiers at covenantseminary.edu> wrote:
> I tried to make changes to PageEditor as mentioned below, but any 
> changes I make result in errors in the wiki.
> What am I missing?

It's hard to tell without more information.  Do you know Python?

My first suggestions are:

1.  Where you added the if... statement I'd suggested in my email, did
you indent the following statements?  Indentation is semantically
important in Python.

2.  The if... statement I suggested was quoted in my email, but should
not be quoted in the actual code.  I've attached the complete
PageEditor.py that I'm using, which contains only the one change
relative to the MoinMoin 1.3.5 code so you can check your change.

3. The use of inline triple-quoted strings is relatively fragile if you
don't know Python.  It's possible that the outer quotes have become


Fred L. Drake, Jr.    <fdrake at gmail.com>
"Society attacks early, when the individual is helpless." --B.F. Skinner

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