[Moin-user] reference ot external file possible?

Markus Liebelt markus.liebelt at online.de
Sun Oct 2 16:28:30 EDT 2005

What I forgot:

In the console of Moin, I find the following message:

localhost - - [02/Oct/2005 12:35:04] "GET /SpielWiese?action=extfile&do=get&root=pb&file=show.txt HTTP/1.1" 500 -

So a 500 seems to indicate that the server had some error, but that does not help too much.


On Sun, 02 Oct 2005 12:38:19 +0200, Markus Liebelt <markus.liebelt at online.de> wrote:

> Hello all together,
> I now reached something, but am stuck and have no idea how to proceed.
> My design is:
> 1. Implement a macro that will output a link in HTML that will call an action.
> 2. Implement that action (by stealing a lot from AttachFile) to open the external file.
> The macro is working, I have appended the version that works. So when I use the following on a page:
> [[LinkFile(show.txt,pb)]] this is emmited:
> <a href="/SpielWiese?action=extfile&do=get&root=pb&file=show.txt">show.txt</a>
> Then when I click on the link, I get a pretty weird exception (that I cannot locate in the source):
> ===================================
> TypeError'NoneType' object is not callable	Please include this information in your bug reports!:
> Python Python 2.4.1: D:\programme\Internet\MMDE\moin.exe
> Platform: win32 (nt)
> MoinMoin Release 1.3.4 [Revision patch-723; DesktopEdition Release 1.3.4-2]
> Sun Oct 02 12:30:14 2005	
> A problem occurred in a Python script. Here is the sequence of function calls leading up to the error, in the order they occurred.
>   D:\programme\Internet\MMDE\MoinMoin\request.pyo in run(self=<MoinMoin.request.RequestStandAlone instance>)	
> TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not callable
>        __doc__ = 'Inappropriate argument type.'
>        __getitem__ = <bound method TypeError.__getitem__ of <exceptions.TypeError instance>>
>        __init__ = <bound method TypeError.__init__ of <exceptions.TypeError instance>>
>        __module__ = 'exceptions'
>        __str__ = <bound method TypeError.__str__ of <exceptions.TypeError instance>>
>        args = ("'NoneType' object is not callable",)
> ===============================================
> I tried then to rename the file to see if the lookup of the action works. So when I missspell the extfile.py to extfile2.py, I got the following:
> - The browser is called with that link: http://localhost:8080/SpielWiese?action=extfile&do=get&root=pb&file=show.txt
> - The output is: Unknown action extfile
> Exactly what to expect...
> So I don't know what to do now. Has anyone a tip how to debug MoinMoin? Does anyone have an (internal) action that does something minimal and that works? Are there any things that don't work in the Desktop Edition I don't know?
> I have appended the macro and the action, so if someone has time to check it ...
> Thank you all a lot for your patience
> Markus
> On Thu, 29 Sep 2005 09:46:09 +0200, Markus Liebelt <markus.liebelt at online.de> wrote:
>> Hello all together,
>> I have searched the list for some information on my topic, but found no answer yet. So I send this email, perhaps someone has a tip or even a solution for me.
>> I want to get something doing this:
>> - I have a setup where the MoinMoin Desktop Edition will be installed on a DVD. It is a knowledge repository that may be easily installed on every desktop.
>> - Together with the wiki come a lot of ressources which are handled external to the wiki. There are some reasons for to do that, but just believe me, that is necessary.
>> - There should be a way to link the external ressources inside the wiki. When I use a link like file:///d:/some/stupid/file.exe, it is displayed in the browser, but the browser does not open it for security reasons.
>> What I would like to get is the following:
>> 1. Expand the configuration to allow for a variable that denotes the root of the external ressources file system.
>> 2. Write a macro or action, that takes the value of the variable, the relative path to a ressource, and provides that ressource as a http ressource to the browser.
>> I know that are two different questions, but I need answers for both of them to get my solution working. If anyone could point me to some example that does similar things, I will dive again into python (last wrote something in python now 8 years ago) and implement that solution (of cource, with providing it to the community :-)).
>> I hope there is a kind soul somewhere out there to help me
>> Bye
>> 	Markus
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