[Moin-user] Proxy messing with MoinMoin

Nir Soffer nirs at actcom.net.il
Wed May 18 22:50:10 EDT 2005

On 19 May, 2005, at 6:24, moin-user-request at lists.sourceforge.net wrote:

> I have a classroom that accesses MoinMoin through a proxy. The proxy
> is caching the pages and delivering them to the following request,
> even if it is another user.
> I have searched in Moin but found nothing except
> http://moinmoin.wikiwikiweb.de/MoinMoinBugs/CachingBreaksAcl, that
> seems similar but not exactly the same.

The problem described in this page is the broken proxy at Tel Aviv 
university, I did not have this problem with other proxys. This proxy 
IGNORE the special headers moin alreay use to disable caching of 
cookies. You may have the same problem. Try to contact the proxy 

About the patch Alexander suggested, the code to disable caching is 
already in moin. You may try to add a call to self.disableHttpCaching() 
in request.run() and see if that helps.

Best Regards,

Nir Soffer

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