[Moin-user] bold in code blocks?

skip at pobox.com skip at pobox.com
Thu Jul 14 19:58:08 EDT 2005

(Hopefully this isn't delivered multiple times.  I had some mail config
problems w.r.t. SF.)

I'm converting a Tavi wiki to Moin.  One thing Tavi supports is HTML within
a page.  This allows you to, for example, bold a chunk of code you want to
highlight, e.g.: 

    In reality, constructor's code is generated as if you wrote:
        A() <b>: s1_(), s2_()</b> { s1_ ="Hello, "; s2_ = "world"; }

I don't really want the embedded HTML capability.  I would like to be able
to support highlighting within monospaced text though.  This doesn't work:

    In reality, constructor's code is generated as if you wrote:
        A() ''': s1_(), s2_()''' { s1_ ="Hello, "; s2_ = "world"; }

Is there a way to achieve that effect?


Skip Montanaro
skip at pobox.com

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