[Moin-user] Restore old pages out of date dir

Ralf Rapude rapude at web.de
Mon Jul 4 03:53:07 EDT 2005

Hi all,
after using moinmoin on Fedora Core 2 I've just updated to FC 4 and like 
mentioned on the help pages I've backuped my data dir for the old 
wikipage in order to use them also on the new system.
After updating the os I've installed the newest version of moinmoin and 
I've also copied my stored old data directory into the new instances 
data dir.
But the navigation doesn't show the content I've moved into data though 
all pages are in the pages folder and also the text directory contains 
the correct text of the pages.
If I try to call a page directly by typing in the pages name (like e.g. 
http://www.localhost.de/mywiki/OldPage) but I allways get the message 
"This Page doesn't exist yet".

Is there anything more to do if I would like to use the pages from the 
"old" moinmoin? Do I have to generate a new pagetree or something like this?

Thanks a lot

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