[Moin-user] Single FrontPage and different language settings

Thomas Waldmann tw-public at gmx.de
Mon Jan 24 09:25:14 EST 2005

> Instead of FrontPage I reached the german 'StartSeite', which was -of
> course- empty.

It shouldn't be empty (except you made it empty yourself).
Or maybe your underlay doesn't work?

> If I understand this right, 1. seems to be the right way. I just have to
> enter the config file
> page_front_page = 'Foo_Bar_FrontPage'
> and create Foo_BAR_FrontPage. After that every user is directed to
> Foo_Bar_FrontPage'.


The reason is just that there are no translations for Foo_BAR_FrontPage 
known. So you can choose any name that moin can not translate (that 
means almost any, just not FrontPage, RecentChanges, etc.).

Just use your project's name maybe.

> How do other people deal with this?

They read HelpOnConfiguration and then do it like that. :))

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