[Moin-user] Re: PageTemplate oddity with moinmoin 1.3.1 as standalone with Python 2.4 under Windows Me

Brian van den Broek bvande at po-box.mcgill.ca
Mon Jan 24 02:22:03 EST 2005

Alexander Schremmer said unto the world upon 2005-01-21 09:08:
> On Fri, 21 Jan 2005 01:10:08 -0500, Brian van den Broek wrote:


>>I've noticed an odd (to my mind) thing about page templates. When I 
>>define a new template with a name like SomeWikiNameEndingInTemplate 
>>and then try to create a new page, the newly created template does not 
>>show up in the available templates list. If I terminate the moin.py 
>>server process and then restart it, the new template is available when 
>>attempting to create new pages.
> I cannot reproduce it here on Windows using Standalone with quite recent
> developer code base. Please try to reproduce this problem on MoinMoin 1.3.2
> which will be released at this weekend.
> Kind regards,
> Alexander


thanks for the reply, and for the 1.3.2 release!

I tried it out with 1.3.2, but the issue seems to persist. With both 
newly created templates and newly created categories, they don't show 
up when creating a new page until after I have terminated the DOS box 
with the moin.py Python process and restarted it. (I mean, the new 
template is not on the list of available templates and the new 
category is not in the drop down box when editing a page.) MoinMoin 
1.3.2 standalone, Python 2.4, WindowsMe.

I should say though, that I am by no means a hacker, and it is 
possible that I somehow goofed the install. But I did read and follow 
the docs closely. If there are any further steps I can take to help 
you track down if it is pilot error or a MoinMoin bug, please let me know.


Brian vdB

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